26th January 2019
Students and faculties from the institute, celebrated India’s 70th Republic day with great enthusiasm and patriotism. The day was marked by inauguration of college magazine, ‘Abhikalp’ in the hands of honorable Principal Dr. Prajakta Baste, Vice principal Prof. Arpita Bhat madam and H.O.D. B. Des Prof. Smita Kasarpatil madam. ‘Abhikalp’ is the compilation of best academic works and achievements of the students from B.Arch and B.des. It provides a platform to blossom the hidden talent of the students revealed in the form of cover page design, writing skills, poem writing, photography, sketching, graphic design etc. In their adressal Prof. Bhat madam and Prof. Suvarna Patil madam congratulated the working team of the magazine for their perseverance and for reviving the lost tradition of the institute. They also urged students to pursue this activity for subsequent years.

Devlali railway station is a railway station serving Devlali town, near Nashik in Maharashtra State of India. The structure is in colonial style constructed using wood and stone in1919. The structure is appreciated for its remarkable architectural features of colonial style in Maharashtra. Western Railways division is aiming to rejuvenate the place before it completes its 100 years of existence. The work has been undertaken by Ar. Shital Sonawane and her firm. In collaboration with the firm, second year architecture students undertook documentation work of Devalali Railway Station under the subject of History of Architecture. Students did measurements and photographic documentation of various areas like offices, store rooms, waiting platforms and later on prepared measured drawings of the same. The work will be helpful for the firm for preparing a report acting as a precursor to intended rejuvenation work. The activity was coordinated by Prof. Nandan Malani and Prof. Sharmishtha Surajiwale.

‘Kimaya’ is a book by Ar. Madhav Achawal, published in 1961. It is an ideological writing that revolves around the idea of architecture and describes how one can experience the beauty of simpler things in day to day life. Renowned theatre artist Atul Pethe, Ar. Amol Chafalkar along with a team presented an innovative theatre experiment of speech play from selected writings from the book at Nashik. The play wonderfully unfolded the thought of form, space, colour, water, light, point, lines etc. in architecture with the help of apt acting, music, lights and architectural installations enhancing audience experiences. The experiment was a great effort to free off the thoughts from language barrier.. It gave a new perspective to the audience to sensitively look at the basic elements of design in architecture. The play was attended by students from first to fourth year architecture and students from B.Des along with the faculty members.
As a part of Design studio, first year B.Arch students explored symbiotic relationship between different arts, crafts and architecture by creating live size installations in the form of screens in the college campus. In accordance with the institutes philosophy of “Learning by doing”, the activity aimed at comprehending the symbiotic relation between creativity, arts, crafts, environment, human special experience, structure with design. Students first did background study of the given art and craft forms viz. cane craft, warli painting, kuchipudi dance, pottery, bandhani work etc. in groups and then physically erected live sized screens to have an expression of the particular art form in the given space by understanding special quality. The materials explored included bamboo, ropes, paper, paper dishes, used CD S, corrugated sheets, metal wires, clay products etc. The activity was carried out by the students with great enthusiasm and was guided by the first year Design faculties to encourage team work , analytical skills, confidence building etc. within the first year students.