Personality development Seminar
Mr. Nitin Paranjape
Director, Abhivyakti  Media for Development, Nashik

 01th Aug 2019








Mr. Nitin Paranjape coducted the session with the aim at all round development of the first-year students through personality development. He has brought in Various minute details which help to improve the time management and teamwork. skills by assigning number of tasks to students and making them involved in the process. Session was planned very interactive that helped students to understand by self-learning. Students were also made aware of the values and ethics which are necessary for grooming their personality in all respect. This Session was held for First year students of B.Arch. in mezzanine studio.


CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) Session by Dr. Hitendra Mahajan

 04 Feb 2020

Dr. Hitendra Mahajan explained the importance of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) to the students. He discussed about the need for this technique to be learnt by the youth. He showed them a presentation in which the actual technique was explained. Then it was demonstrated using a mannequin. It was an interactive session in which students shared their experiences. They asked their queries and got satisfactory answers to them. Students also tried the technique on the mannequin and their activity was supervised and got clarified by Dr. Mahajan.